Environmental Policy

Beginning in 2009 HBC is instituting a no disposable food or beverage container policy.  This means that no disposable water bottles or other food or beverage containers will be permitted on HBC grounds.

There are several important reasons for this new policy:

  • The City of Toronto has changed its garbage policy that restricts the amount of garbage per household.  Hence, the prior practice of members volunteering to remove the HBC garbage and disposing of it with their local garbage pick-up is no longer possible.
  • Ontario Rowing Association is prohibiting disposable water bottles at regattas and encouraging clubs to put in place a similar policy against the use of them at their home club.
  • HBC wants to become an environmentally friendly club.  As a club that is located within the Eastern Waterfront Trail and as a tenant of the City of Toronto Parks and Recreation Department, it is especially important for HBC to respect and do its part to improve the environment, and discontinuing the use of disposable water bottles is the first step.

Hazardous Materials

All hazardous waste should be removed from HBC grounds by those who brought the materials onto the grounds. This includes batteries, fuels, paints and other household cleaning products.

Under no circumstances should these materials ever be disposed of into the lake.